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Fsm Format Information
First SND Header
- 0x0 - 0x3 (32): Signature
- 0x4 - 0x7 (32): File size
- 0x5 - 0xF (64): Double, Time to begin playing (Always 0x0 for first SND)
- 0x10 - 0x13 (32): Complete Wem file length
- 0x14 - 0x1F: Unknown
Other Sub File Header
- 0x0 - 0x3 (32): Signature
- 0x4 - 0x7 (32): File size
- 0x5 - 0xF (64): Double, Time to beging playing
Calculating the Double
DEMO chunk order, ignoring SND chunks, (i.e. 3) * 1.001000004645 with the last digit rounded (i.e. 3.003000013935 becomes 3.00300001394)
No preset size for SND chunks. Must be calculated from the play size of the chunk after being cut. There is no known way to do this currently. If a way to do this is found, it would allow cutscene audio to be replaced.
- 3F F0 04 18 94 B3 FF 2F = 1.00100000465
- 40 00 04 18 94 B3 FF 2F = 2.00200000929
- 40 08 06 24 DF 0D FE C6 = 3.00300001394
- 40 10 04 18 94 B3 FF 2F = 4.00400001858
- 40 14 05 1E B9 E0 FE FB = 5.00500002323